Thursday, November 15, 2018

Andromeda - Month 10

We had a BUSY month!  We started off Andi's 10th month with a potluck brunch with a group of my girlfriends and their families.  We don't meet up often enough with our busy schedules, but it's always so great when we do! We're still doing swim classes and Andromeda is turning into a little fishy!  Oddly enough she doesn't love floating around the pool, but dunk her for a few seconds and she's all smiles.  Andi adores pulling herself up into a standing position, pointing at everything she wants to see, and talking.  She's getting better every day at communicating.  Her bottle (and any bottle for that matter) is baba, balls are ba, books are bu, the puppies are puh, and she smacks her lips together when she's hungry.  She also likes flipping through books, pulling apart building blocks, banging metal bowls, and throwing everything on the floor.
Standing in her crib all by herself!
Andi's favorite book makes animal noises!

New building blocks we picked up at a garage sale
The big news this month was our trip to NYC for my cousins J & S's wedding!  We took a long weekend trip, our first where we had to fly with a full contingent of baby supplies (car seat, stroller, high chair, pack and play, etc).  My parents and brothers chipped in and we all rented an Airbnb in Jersey City together, which was perfect.  We could all hang out downstairs while the babies were asleep instead of having to quietly tiptoe around a hotel room in the dark.  Andi did pretty good on the airplane, but the cab ride from the airport to the brownstone we were renting was brutal and the poor kiddo was not a happy camper.  It was tough weighing the pros and cons of flying into LaGuardia vs Newark and we had wound up choosing the most affordable non-stop flight we could find which unfortunately got us in to NYC during rush hour.  Lesson learned.
Andi's favorite inflight entertainment is gnawing on my empty Dramamine bottle...
 Once we got to the rental house, we got settled in, ordered some Chinese food (of course) and let the babies play together for a bit.  Andi got to spend another whole weekend with her cousin G and the two of them had a lot of fun "sharing" toys with each other, including Andromeda's introduction to bubbles!  The next morning a crew of coffee lovers made a run for some caffeine and also came back with some fresh donuts and bagels for breakfast - yum!
Andi and daddy sporting some matching headgear courtesy of the local Krispy Kreme factory!
After the babies' morning nap on Saturday, we all headed out into NYC to check out the sights and a local Italian festival.  Andromeda wasn't a huge fan of the stroller, so I wound up carrying her all around the city in her Ergo carrier.  It was a great workout.  And she LOVED it.  She was all smiles and kicking her little legs with glee the entire time!  
Photo op at a fountain in the park - see her little leg kicking away!

The whole crew, ready for adventure!

Andromeda had her first subway ride experience!
 Saturday night there was a family gathering at a local brew pub where we finally got to meet up with the rest of the extended family who were in town for the wedding.   We talked a lot, ate good food, tasted some good beers, and also had a family photo op overlooking the NYC skyline.

The whole group!
The next day was the wedding.  My sister-in-law J's mother joined us on the trip so that she could stay at the house and watch the babies during the festivities, which was awesome!  The rest of us spent the afternoon celebrating my cousin J and now-cousin S's absolutely beautiful wedding overlooking the Manhattan skyline!

Such a gorgeous wedding - I'm so happy for these two!

Not the best photo, but this was the grandkid's traditional tequila shot with Grandma!

Me with my cousin C and her two awesome girls

The boys with some special cigars that we brought back from Cuba!
The next day we packed up all our stuff (and we had a lot), said goodbye to family, and then went out and explored Jersey City a bit more before our afternoon flight.  We discovered some really cool graffiti/wall murals, ate gourmet grilled cheese for lunch, and found a park where Andromeda got to try her first swing and play with leaves that had fallen from the trees (fall arrives a lot later here in TX!) And then we caught our flight home.
Making friends on the swing set

My little motion junkie was loving it!

Ready to go home
The next weekend S and I were heavy into party prep for our annual Oktoberfest party and the weekend after that it was party time!  Andromeda was a little intimidated by all of the people in her house, but once uncle K arrived and took her outside to watch all of the big kids play she was pretty happy.  There was a great turnout this year.  A lot more kids than we usually have, which was weird for us a first but obviously part of the natural progression of growing older, starting a family, and all of our friends also having families too.  Naturally I forgot to take pictures at the party.  And that is the end of Andi's 10 month update!  I leave you with a few out takes from our photo session...

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